Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chapter 8: And somethings you just can't ignore.

Last night we had TCIS Idols and I was Paula Abdul! I donned a wig and got hip - hoop earrings and looked totally different. It was great fun and all for the Ninth graders' fund raiser. They made w 600 000 ($600) so all were happy, this money goes towards next year's mission trips.

We went down to the beach cabin this weekend and it was fantastic. A group of staff and the kids played really well together and we all had an excellent time. The weather was perfect and the kids swam in the sea for hours - we also went to a herb garden and ate a meal (lunch) of herbs - flowers trees' shrubs etc. Ken was "grossed out" and mumbled something about not being a bunny and swallowed flowers with a long face. (Chewing was not an option for him because then you may have to taste it!) We also went to a coal museum which the kids loved. We met another SA missionary family who have two gorgeous daughters Ethan and Joshua's age - so the boys had a ball. I heard Ethan telling Juandri, who is 8 yrs (girl), in an effort to impress her, that when he gets scared he farts really loudly and they stink! I told Ken that he needs to help Ethan develop some better pickup lines - otherwise I'm going to be doing his washing forever!!!!

God Bless

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