Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2007 Our New Year in OZ:

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Chapter Fifteen: 2007 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We had an outstanding NEW YEAR as Australian RESIDENTS! Can you imagine that! Well we couldn't; it was breathtakingly strange. A paradox of desire vs. betrayal. Who and what are we desiring? Who and what are we betraying?

A new life: Australia we desire a fresh start; a place for us to not feel like we owe someone an apology; a place where we can be free - from racism and fear.
Yet being born and bred in Africa and being WHITE Africans we are somehow considered - children of privilege - oppressors - single handedly responsible for all atrocities ever committed.

Yet in spite of the crime rate - not being able to get jobs in South Africa because we are not African enough - I love Africa. IT'S MY HOME. I love the sunsets; the animals; my people; black; white; coloured; no colour; everyone who falls asleep under that beautiful African sunset and everyone who struggles to leave Africa or who struggles to stay in Africa. Those whose feet have trampled the rich red African soil - who fall asleep in a foreign country, dreaming of their land their Africa - when your heavy eyelids drop and all you can see is plains filled with game; streets filled with hawkers; Mercedes Benz and pickpockets! My Africa! My BETRAYAL!

So this is my terribly sad heart but a new life is the only option and we are so grateful to Australia for giving us a chance. For seeing our value and not our skin colour. For acknowledging our potential and not punishing us for being white.
Our parents who give everything and expect nothing in return! Thanks mum and dad for opening your home to us! So our new year began really new!

The kids loved Australia and are eager to get there someday. They enjoyed walking on our new property and we all walked around it claiming the land and thanking God for His providence.

Watch the video clip! And see the photos!

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