Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chapter 11: Japanese River Disease - Japanese what?

Ken has just been diagnosed with Japanese River Fever and is as sick as a dog! He has been running temperatures of 102 / 103 / 104 since Friday night. They wanted to hospitalize him yesterday but we managed to persuade them that he'll be okay at home and our school nurse will check on him regularly. He is medicated and hopefully will recover soon - he has to go back on Wednesday to hospital and they will have the blood test results available at the moment it's all guess work.
Shannie has a blood clot in her ear canal and has to have it removed on Thursday at the same hospital. So we have our own assigned International Nurse - who meets us at the front foyer and stays with us while we are at the hospital. The hospital is state of the art and has of cause, it wouldn't be Asia if it didn't have a shopping mall on the first two levels! Prada, Celine, Dior, Gucci and the like all form part of the lavish decor; waterfalls - flowers, ponds - fountains and fish make for a surreal experience at the hospital. Some rooms have fish tanks and plasma screens with Internet and courtesy computers so that you can surf the net when you feel better. I've got lots to do and will write again as soon as our family are all well. Thanks for thinking of me - I really appreciate it. love Chantal

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